
Showing posts from September, 2020

Why Men Should Redefine Masculinity for Themselves

  Biologically speaking there is not much difference between man’s and woman’s brains, however, we are prone to consider certain traits as solely male or female. These projections come from societal and cultural norms created through the means of religion, tradition, and conformity. Now in the 21st century, we are reaping the harvest of toxic masculinity that is responsible for mass shootings, domestic violence, and sexual harassment.                    But let’s not forget that men are not violent by nature, the society dictates them so. Starting from their childhood: “Boys don’t play with dolls”, “Boys don’t cry”, “You throw like a girl” throughout their adult life: “Dude, are you on your period?”, “Man up!”, “You don’t watch football?”. Men are taught to hide, fight and suppress their feelings, to forget them, to hide them deep inside, and never talk about them. They grow up being afraid to look weak, feminine, sensitive in a society that tells them that muscles matter, men don’t cr