
Showing posts from August, 2020

Cure for Cellulite? Easy! No Disease - No Problem!

I will go ahead and begin with the thought I would like to bring across: cellulite is a hoax. It is made up and is not relevant. And here is why. The first time this word was used in mass media was in 1968 when the Vogue magazine coined the term. And so the new wave of self-hatred for women has begun. Each year millions and billions of new remedies, treatments, and cremes against this invented disease reach the beauty market.  Slightly over a year ago, AVON launched a commercial that exploited the body-positive image. “Buh-bye cellulite, dimples are cute on your face.” This line has resonated all over social media and resulted in discontinuing the ad and official apologies from the company. Thanks to modern feminist celebrities who accept and promote their flaws, ads like these don’t fly anymore.  The truth is, 80-90% of women globally are prone to so-called cellulite. It is not a disease, it is not treatable and it is definitely not something we should be ashamed of and publicly shame

Let’s Talk About Your Period!

     Due to the lack of sexual education in Russia, full-on prudishness and triumphing patriarchy, I had to learn about menstruation in secret, when I was about 14 years old and have been already having periods for at least a year. My school teacher brought only girls to a classroom and talked about tampons and sanitary pads while boys were in the classroom nearby sitting and waiting cluelessly. I remember how shy we were, how uncomfortable our teacher was, and how curious boys were about what was going on. We were talking about menstruation – something you cannot discuss, something you should be ashamed of, something you should hide from men.       You feel terrible, you experience pain in all-new places, you leak blood and leave stains on your skirt or school bench and feel ashamed. You feel like there must be something wrong with you but you cannot talk to anyone about it – it’s against the rules. You have to hide it!      The stigma was so far ahead of me that I couldn’t even talk

It Is Not Your Fault

         Having conquered the internet in 2017, the #metoo movement has lost its appeal in 2020 and causes only eye-rolling when brought up. Even women are sort of tired of talking about it – Harvey is in prison, mission accomplished. The first wave has been truly terrifying and has exposed a lot of ugliness in Hollywood and the corporate culture in general. The second wave has been less revealing and horrifying, focusing on “less terrible cases” like Louie C.K. He didn’t rape anyone, moreover, he asked for permission prior to pleasuring himself in front of young women.       So why do we, women, have this urge to justify men’s shitty behavior? You’ve done it too – your father was an asshole but you still waited for his call, visit, hug; your ex-boyfriend belittled you or exhibited aggressive behavior and you thought he must be in a bad mood or under a lot of stress. You ignore your boss’s humiliating comments on the way you look or dress, forgive your relatives for putting you on the

“I Am Not a Feminist,” They Say

           According to the latest studies, more and more young women are hesitant to describe themselves as feminists. Celebrities mention it all over the place,  professors write their articles explaining why feminism is an exaggerated issue , leading to the term of feminism being stigmatized and ostracized. At the same time, more than half of the population across many European and Asian countries as well as the US do admit that equality has not yet been achieved.       Well, you know what, if you are repulsed by the fact that each year 12 million girls get forced married before the age of 18, by the fact that 200 million women alive today underwent female genital mutilation and by the although narrowing but still existing income gap, you are a feminist!       If you disagree with the traditional family values and do want to have a career, a life, freedom of speech, an opportunity to do whatever you want in life – work, procreate, travel – you are a feminist. The equality has not be